Namely to companies, cooperatives and to natural persons running a business, we offer legal services in the areas of:
Intellectual and industrial property law, IT
Real estate and construction
Representation of business entities in judicial proceedin
Who do not run a business, we offer legal services in the areas of:
Civil law including copyright law
Criminal law
Representation before courts and administrative bodies including representation before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
1) Intellectual and industrial property law, information technologies (IT)
- Intellectual and industrial property law
- Legal services in the area of running a business and other profit-making activities related to the intellectual property law
- Sole trader business
- Other business than the sole trader business
- Other self-employed activities than business
- Civil law instruments related to the intellectual property law protection
- Protection of copyrights and rights of performing artists
- Protection of industrial rights
- Protection against unfair competition
- Protection of damages
- Protection of unjust enrichment
- Contracts concerning specific ways of the use of works (creation of work contracts, other use of work contracts, etc.)
- Industrial and contractual rights
- Contracts related to the transfer of the subject of industrial property
- Licence contracts related to the subject of the industrial property
- Contracts related to the use of business subjects of the industrial property
- Modification of relations between the parties during the development, implementation, licensing and the distribution of software products and other IT solutions
2) Real estate and construction
- Selecting a convenient locality for the intended investment
- Solution to the property law relations for the benefit of the investor
- Ensurance of the administrative decisions needed, i.e. territorial decisions and planning permissions
- Selection of the engineer and the construction supplier
- Ensurance of the engineering
- Ensurance of the investment approval at the appropriate building authority
3) Representation of business entities in judicial proceedings
4) Civil law including copyright law
- Legal counseling in the area of civil law
- Drafting actions and other proposals to courts
- Drafting actions concerning protection of personality
- Drafting contracts of sale, works contracts, deeds of gift, and other contracts defined in the Civil code
- Representation in proceedings related to the real estate sales contract before the Land Register Office
- Creation of easements (e.g. the right to pass over property owned by another party, etc.) including insertions to the Land Registry
- Negotiating with creditors/debtors, an effort to reach a compromise advantageous to both parties
- Lease relations
- Legal counseling in the area of heritage and heritage disputes
- Representation in negotiating with the counterparty, state institutions and executors
- Out-of court settlement of disputes
- Consumer protection – seller’s liability for defective products, etc.
- Drafting and observations to licence contracts
- Registration, changes and transfers of trade marks
- Representation before the Industrial Property Office
- Cooperation with patent attorneys in the EU member states
- Counseling concerning copyright law
- Counseling concerning rights related to the copyright law
- Counseling concerning protection of rights according to the Copyright Act
5) Criminal law
- Defense in criminal proceedings
- Counseling to the injured party
- Representation of injured parties in criminal proceedings
- Filing a criminal complaint in the case of suspicion of committing a crime
6) Representation before courts and administrative bodies
- Representation before all courts of the Czech Republic in the civil and criminal cases
- Representation in proceedings before the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic
- Representation before the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic
- Representation before administrative courts
- Representation in offence proceedings
- Representation in executive proceedings
- Representation in arbitration proceedings
- Representation in negotiating with the Labour Office
- Representation in negotiating with the Social Security Administration
- Representation before the Alien police
- Representation in proceedings before the Trades Licensing Office
- Representation before the Industrial property office
- Representation before the European Court of Human Rights
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