![]() JUDr. Ing. Jiří Malanta, LL.M.LawyerHis initial education in the area of technology led him to specialize in investment activities. After graduating from the University of J.E. Purkyně (nowadays Masaryk University) he focused on legal disciplines, especially on negotiating and contracting agreements with foreign elements. During years 1991 – 1996 he worked as a company lawyer, since 1996 as a lawyer. In years 1989 – 1995 he focused on judicial settlements of restitution disputes, later especially on commercial law and intellectual property law. In an effort to use his technical education he focuses on the area of real estate law and the ensurance of investment construction. Nowadays, according to the up-to-date needs of the society, he specializes in mergers, acquisitions and sales of enterprises, as well as in intellectual property law and IT. Lawyer speaks English and Russian. 2010 © Advokátní kancelář JUDr. Ing. Jiří Malanta, LL.M., Brno | webdesign by